LOL, TTYL,. These are all texting emoticons used pretty much everyday. Jessica Borelli and Emily Metcalfe, 7th graders at Farnsley Middle School, both agree that texting is a fun and fast way to communicate with friends and family.

“Texting is a new thing for me and it’s just a simple way to reach someone,” says Jada Saunders, a 5th grader at McFerran Preparatory Academy. “I just love it”.
Kendrick Watkins, a teacher at Farnsley Middle School says “It’s great because you don’t have to talk to people face to face.”
Texting is fun, but is it safe?
Dr. Dean Fishman, a chiropractic doctor at the Plantation Spine and Sports Rehab in Plantation, FL, wrote in a May 21, 2010, article in Dynamic Chiropractic that texting affects your spine. In Fishman’s words, “text neck” leads to a reversed cervical curve with mild degenerative changes. This means that the curve in your neck is bent forward, instead of its regular slanted curve, which slightly bends back. This causes the muscle tissues to stretch, leading to neck pains. Fishman says he has seen many cases of text neck.
Adam Tanase, a chiropractor from St. Louis, MO, said in an 2011 article on, a website that gives insight and opinion on today’s technology, that “A head shuffled forward an extra inch and a half, is going to be applying 20-25 pounds of extra pressure around the neck area, which is essentially like wearing a truck tire around your neck.”
Text neck or forward head posture (FHP) causes soreness in the neck. FHP causes headaches and tightness across the shoulders. Increased pressure on the muscles in the neck and shoulders comes from the holding the phone at a downward angle when texting. Text Neck can result in permanent injury to the spine. Your head bends forward, while your spine stays straight up. Too much of this can cause your spine to eventually crack, which can lead to paralysis, according to Fishman.
“I first started noticing a trend of younger patients coming in to the office with similar complaints of head, neck, and shoulder and arm pain around 2008-2009,” Fishman said in an email response. “The similarities were that most of the patients were between 15–27 years old, and they were all avid texters and portable gamers. The complaints were similar and the X-ray findings were similar. The amount of negative changes in the structure of the cervical spine was far more advanced than that of what would be considered ‘normal’ for that age group. When taking the patient history, I started to notice the amount of time that these patients were spending with their heads hung forward and down in what is now known as the text neck posture.”
Fishman says that text neck can be treated. “We successfully took two groups of patients through X-rays, digital range of motion and digital muscle testing. Group 1 was given specific chiropractic adjustments and a set of four exercises to do three times a week for four weeks. Group 2 was given the same treatment, but asked to view their text message devices at eye level and not in the text neck posture. After one month of care BOTH groups improved in the post X-rays in regard to the restoration of a curve in the neck, and they improved in the range of motion and strength, as well, but Group 2, the group that changed their viewing angle of the devices improved a considerable amount more than that of Group 1.”
Chiropractors advise their patients with text neck to text in a raised position, inform their chiropractor of stress on the spine and learn ways to relieve stress.
Fishman has created a smart phone app to warn texters when they need to correct their posture called Text Neck Indicator. He says that it is “the first real time interactive app that gives biofeedback to proper posture versus improper posture while you are using the device.” When bad posture is imminent, a red light at the top of the screen flashes, and when corrected it turns green. It is designed to improve the muscles in your neck that are affected by text neck. It keeps tabs on your posture and tells you when your posture is at risk. It uses text neck scores and pie charts to track your percentage of good vs. bad posture. You can find the app at Google Play.
Related stories:Don't Get Dizzy While Reading This, Blackberry Thumb, Texting While Driving |
Fishman adds that the app is not essential to treating text neck. “Remember both groups improved, so the chiropractic adjustments and exercises helped, but the changing of the posture is the most important component.” Tajah Hines-Shelley and India Bibbs
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This is an informatal article that is very interesting to know, because everybody texts:good:smile
I spend alot of my time texting so to read this kindof concerns me. I think everybody will learn from this article including me. This was a good informing article.
This is a good thing to know because me and my friends text all the time.
thats quite usefull, although texting is bad so is phone calling. it can brain tumors.
This is very helpful because I have been having neck problems lately
This article taught me something new. I text all the time and recently i have been getting some neck pains. Great article. :congrate
now i know why my neck be hurting when im texing someone. this was a very good and wonderful article.
From very beginning the article caught my eyes and kept me interested in the subject. I seem to have text neck symptoms alot so i think I will be going to download that app.
This is an excellent passage to read, because like i didnt know what text neck was. And i sit up and texted all the time so im glad this passage have warned me. Thanks!:gamba
this is a good article..i have to change the way i text
This is a good thing to know because me and my friends text all the time. I sometimes get neck pains from texting. I also like to learn about health problems to prevent.
This is a good thing to know because me and my friends text all the time. I sometimes get neck pains from texting. I also like to learn about health problems to prevent.
This is a good thing to know because me and my friends text all the time. I sometimes get neck pains from texting. I also like to learn about health problems to prevent.
I didn`t know texting could cause so much damge to your neckand spine. This article was very helpful.:smile
I like this article, its informing to a lot of teenagers. I text a lot but I dont have neck problems but now I know what to do to keep from putting so much stress on my neck when texting.
This article is very informative. I think people will think twice about texting now!
I didnt know texting cause all of those problems. I just thought it caused problems with the muscles in your hands.:why
I thought this article was very intersting
This was very interesting because i text a lot. Im going to download the app today. Very informaly and helpful article.
The article was entertaining
wow. texting can be very harmful. I really need to start thinking about my posture more often. thanks for the info.:good
This article really stood out to me. I text everyday all day non stop. I never knew that texting could crack your spine. My neck and back been hurting a lot.
This article is very informative. Great job!
-Relle J:gamba:good
This article gave me some good information because i text all the time and my back hurts and know i’ll know that texting is what makes my back hurt.But, i still think that texting is a good thing to do . 🙂
This article gave me alot of imformation because I text all the time and my neck hurts all the time and now I know my neck hurts so much(:
:smile i text all the time and i dont have textneck my neck is normal…
this helped me alot. because i text all the time and my neck back and shoulders hurt everyday. now i know why.
that’s a great thing to know about texting. but can texting actually help develop a bad disease? that can really hurt you?
I text pretty often and I thought my back and neck only hurts because I dance a lot but this may be another problem of mine….I’ll try to ease off of it a little more.
:@@ no wonder my neck always hurts, this article was very informative
Cool!! I’m going to try to remember to use my phone at eye level. My sister said she might even get the app. Maybe I will too. Thanks for the cool info.
I think my back hurting is mostly volleyball but it could be from texting as well
I don’t even text that much and I notice some of these pains. Very informative.
i dont text i just play games yeet my nek hrt lot